Recent projects
Project / Customer


External link
  •  Project coordination (*)

Improvement of production processes through integration of macro-, micro-, and nanotechnologies
  •  Scientific management (*)

Advanced Methods and Tools for Handling and Assembly in Microtechnology

  •  Member of the jury

Leonardo Award: Austrian Prize to the best automation solutions and Tech-Women of the Year
  • Research group leader for Microtechnology

  • 2nd Prize of the ARC Award 2005 in the category Science

Austrian Research Centers

  • Experienced researcher at the Institute for Micro- and Nanotechnology

Institut für Sensor- und Aktuatorsysteme

  •  Junior research in the field

    „Computer vision and „Manufacturing systems

Robotiker (Member of Tecnalia Research & Innovation)

  •  Doctoral thesis on supervised adaptive control for a robotic manipulator

University of the Basque Country, Faculty of Science

Former references
(*) This taks was performed by Dr. Almansa in her function as project manager while working with Austrian Research Centers (from 2002 to 2007) and Profactor Research & Solutions (from 2007 to 2008)

Services | Expertise | References | About us


Xederas top level competence and excellent service quality is proven by several distinctions and long-term partnerships with customers and collaborators.

Xedera‘s team has been active in several projects and areas of activity since the company was founded in 2008.

In addition to the projects and activities undertaken since the company was founded in 2008, Xedera‘s founder, Dr. Ana Almansa, has a long track record of previous research experience and personal contributions to the structuration and further development of European research. 


Project / Customer


External link

  •  Exploitation & dissemination management

  •  Web platform implementation & maintainance

  •  Impact study

Large scale manufacturing technology for high-performance lightweight 3D multifunctional composites
  •  External expert contribution in the Horizontal Working Group

Industrial valorization of strategic value chains for nano-enabled products

Bild report
  •  Engagement of Xedera‘s founder as independent expert in the European Research Programmes since 2003

List of FP7 expert evaluators
List of H2020 expert evaluators
  • Lecturing at the Institute of Mechatronics / Robotics

  • Supervision of around 30 Bachelor and Master thesis

University of Applied Science Technikum-Wien
  • Support in project planning
Austrian Institute of Technology AIT


Brief description

·       Nominated to the CONSTANTINUS Award, the leading national award for knowledge-based services in Austria, created by the Austrian Professional Association of Management Consultancy and Information Technology (UBIT) to promote excellence in consulting and IT-services.
Click here to read more about Xederas Constantinus Award nomination

  • Team leader of the second-placed project in the 2005 ARC Award, category Science, awarded by the Austrian Research Centers (*)